Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Pollo en Pato

A few days ago, we went out to eat with my dad to a restaurant that my husbands co-worker kept telling him about. usually i love going to the same resturants that i know and love...but i thought id give this a try.
to my surprise, it was actually pretty good and perhaps better than one of my other favorite mexican restaurants...
My husband ordered "cordoniz en salsa" (quail in sauce), i ordered something familiar to my liking "chile relleo and enchilada" and my dad ordered "pollo encebollado con jalapeno" (chicken with onions and jalapeno). His dish looked super yummy, but because we are barely getting acquainted again, i didnt dare stick my fingers in his plate and he is a big eater so i didnt ask him for a taste either...
instead i went home and 2 days later, i made my own version. not sure how his tasted, but my version was amazing, if i must say so myself lol
i cut chicken breast pieces (bone in),  browned for a few minutes in oil, added a can of chile pato sauce (the yellow tomato sauce can with the duck, it has a spicy kick to it), chopped up oinion slices and bell pepper, salt and pepper. I covered the pot and let it simmer and cook on low heat for about 30 minutes or so or at least until chicken was done. I served over white rice with lentils on the side and mmmmm!!!
Anisa even had 2 servings, thats how i know that its good sometimes....when the kids ask for more!

the lentils i make by boiling until they are done about 30 minutes to 40minutes. finely chop onion, garlic and fresh jalapeno. add goya seasoning-cilantro and tomato, salt and let simmer a few minutes until all flavors have incorporated!

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